12 comments on “Orange you glad…

  1. I’ll admit, I’m not partial to orange. Your photos are most cool, however. I especially like the mushrooms. They look like little flames popping up through the sticks and leaves.

  2. These are so great, Robin. I loved all the information, too, you shared about Orange. A social color, eh? Remember how big orange was in the 1970s? We had an orange shag rug in our den.

    I loved many of your photos, the pumpkins in a row, the tractor, the butternut squash. Enjoyed the bumper stickers, too. Ha! The glass shots are incredible. Loved the shots where just one orange item stood out.

  3. BBG: lol! Glad someone remembered that old joke.

    Bo: The glass is my favorite, too. 🙂

    Ybonesy: Thank you. 🙂 Indeed, I do remember the orange of the 70’s. In fact, I should have taken a photo of the area rug in the “office” area of our basement (where we have the computer and my husband’s desk). It’s very 70’s with bright orange, hot pink, and neon yellows and greens.

    Anna: Thank you. 🙂

  4. Awwww ~ didn’t have to credit me with the idea, Robin… but thanks anyway! I loved your color series and yes, orange I glad you finally got around to doing orange, and at such a good time of the year also! Loved the pics… I guess I would have to say the pumpkins were a favorite… dunno the cats would mangle mine up, but I do remember the squirrels carving designs all over the ones I would put outside….

    Well, it was your idea, Osh. 🙂 I probably would have put off orange indefinitely if you hadn’t prodded me. Thanks. – R

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